It is estimated that women use around 16000 sanitary napkins in their lifetime. Women adopt different techniques to dispose of the used sanitary napkins depending on other locations. They dispose of the used sanitary napkins at home by wrapping them in a newspaper or plastic bag and throwing them in a dustbin. Women in the building throw sanitary napkins from the bathroom ventilation window to save themselves from embarrassment. When thrown in the dustbin at home, the menstrual waste is mixed with other household waste, and it is handed over to the garbage picker. The garbage picker separates the household waste from the menstrual waste with bare hands, exposing themselves to various harmful diseases.
Women living in village areas, dispose of their menstrual waste by burning the sanitary napkins far from the residential area or burying the sanitary napkins. In other cases, women directly dispose of the sanitary napkins in the nearby garbage area. In public toilets, women improperly dispose of used sanitary napkins, making the bathroom unclean and unsafe. Flushing the sanitary napkins cause drain blockage and create problems during monsoon.
A Sanitary napkin is an important item for women during periods. But proper menstrual waste management is an issue that has been unreach for many years. Good menstrual waste management will save the environment by making the environment clean and safe for the human being to live. Burning the sanitary napkin emits harmful smoke that can cause hazardous diseases to the living being. Menstrual waste can be reduce by installing Sanitary Napkin Incinerators.
How can Sanitary Napkin Incinerators reduce Menstrual Waste?

Sanitary Napkin Incinerators is a machine that disposes of the used sanitary napkin inside the machine without emitting any harmful smoke. It is an eco-friendly solution for the disposal of the used sanitary napkins. One of the best sanitary napkin Incinerators is Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Smokeless Incinerators. It burns the sanitary napkin inside the machine with emitting any harmful or foul smell from the device. Using Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Smokeless Incinerators is very simple.
Open the chamber of the machine and put the sanitary napkin inside the machine. Close the section properly and press the button install in the machine. The device will automatically burn the sanitary pad and converts the used sanitary napkin into sterile ash. Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Incinerators also have a smoke absorption unit; that absorbs the smoke emitted by the machine while burning the sanitary napkins. Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Smokeless Incinerators can be install in the washroom. It can also be install in the housing society so that women can directly dispose of the sanitary napkin inside the incinerator; without mixing it with household waste or throwing it from the bathroom ventilation window. In village areas, Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Smokeless Incinerators can be installed in the nearby private location to avoid any embarrassment while disposing of the used sanitary napkins.
Stree Sanman Sanitary Napkin Smokeless Incinerators can dispose of the used sanitary napkin in an eco-friendly manner; eventually reducing the menstrual waste, leading to proper Menstrual Waste Management.
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