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Effects of Overthinking on Mental and Physical Health.


Effects of Overthinking on Mental and Physical Health.

An estimation that around 73% of adults age between 25 to 35 faces the problem of overthinking. If a person gets trapped in ‘what if’ scenarios, continuously think over one thing, place, or situation, then that person is likely facing the problem of overthinking. Researchers found that people who overthink feel that they favor themselves by always thinking over one thought, which is the complete opposite. Overthinking is a problem that has an impact on both mental as well as physical health.

We all indeed think about situations occasionally, but spending hours and weeks are worrying about minor matters such as mistakes done by you, next week’s presentation, assignments, and more such issues. It can leave your mind out of control, and you may struggle to keep yourself focused. Thinking a lot about insignificant problems can make your problems worse than the actual situation. 

Here are few consequences of overthinking that effect mental and physical health.

Disturbs your sleep:

Overthinking doesn’t let your mind calm. You might try to sleep, but those scenarios or events can repetitively come into your mind, and you generate thoughts based on your experience or those you have heard from someone else. You might think that ‘What if it happens to me?’ It creates a sort of tension in your mind, and you are unable to shut your eyes. 

If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t feel fresh and energized for the next day. It becomes a cycle of easy days, and in the end, your mental health gets affected. Not getting sufficient sleep might get trapped in the problem of sleep deprivation. You’ll be unable to concentrate on your daily task that will again create a burden in your mind.

Develops the problem of anxiety:

Thoughts lead to feelings of fear, anger, happiness, or excitement. Overthinking a specific matter triggers negative emotions of fear, worries, or stress. People are advised to focus on their present and embrace each moment. Overthinking develops the problem of anxiety that leaves you miserable and mentally exhausted. Your life becomes caged in your emotions created by your thoughts, and you may eventually feel tired and depressed.  

The problem of Analysis Paralysis:

A person who overthinks tends to make many choices and scenarios, and in the end, they are unable to make better decisions. Analysis Paralysis is a concept where an individual overanalyzes or overthinks a situation, or an event can cause forward motion or decision making to become paralyzed. People who don’t try don’t fail either succeed. Finally, when you make a specific decision, you might take the wrong one because you got so mixed up with the competing thoughts. 

When a person overthinks, their gut feeling and instincts get interrupted by many thoughts and inputs that might make an inappropriate decision. You might lose many opportunities because of overthinking, and when you realize, that will be too late. It again creates a feeling of guilt on making a wrong decision, and in the end, you’ll be sad and depressed.  

Less creative:

People who overthink are less creative. Studies revealed that when certain parts of the brain and cognitive processes are right, they are more creative. Overthinking is when a person always thinks about the same event or scenario and creates different thoughts that might not exist in reality. You become fixated on one thing, limiting your ability to think creatively.

It shows that overthinking creates a hurdle to think fresh and creative. It also disrupts the working of your mind. 

Havoc to Mental Health and Physical Health:

Overthinking is havoc to mental health and physical health. It disturbs your mental peace as a person who overthinks, thinks continuously. More and more thinking can trigger mental illness and can give rise to problems such as headaches. Additionally, it also creates issues with physical health. Overthinkers tend to be lazy and lack in taking actions such as decision-making and worrying about something that has no control over them. 

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