
Dovey Ultra is an advanced, online platform-based sanitary napkin vending machine
designed to boost the performance and well-being of women employees and customers.
This innovative machine ensures easy access to sanitary napkins, promoting menstrual
hygiene and dignity in various settings, including corporate offices, educational institutions,
hospitality establishments, and public facilities.

22.6 x 15.7 x 65.7 cm


Randomised words which

QR Code

Mode of Operation

Necessary, making this the first

220V 5 Amp (AC)

Power Supply

Necessary, making this the first



Necessary, making this the first

50 Sanitary Napkin


Randomised words which

14 KG


Randomised words which

Dovey Ultra is a state-of-the-art product that supports menstrual hygiene and promotes gender equality through its advanced, user-friendly, and sustainable design. By addressing key SDGs and NGRBC principles, Dovey Ultra not only enhances the well-being of women but also aligns with global and national standards for responsible business conduct.